Year: | 2013 | Genre: | Action, Comedy, Crime | Stars: | Ryan Reynolds, Jeff Bridges, Mary-Louise Parker | Director: | Robert Schwentke |
Review: From the trailer, I had high hopes for the film would give a spectacular show with a great sense of humor and a unique premise. Unfortunately, it turned out to jednímz cases where the trailer is better than the movie itself.To be fair, the movie has its moments. Comedy never made me laugh without restraint, but there are funny lines and situations all over the place. Some of the most entertaining moments arise from the interaction between the characters, and sharp wit, which everyone can see how different people. As far as the action goes, there's quite a bit of mass destruction and lots of gunfights and against. However, it is quite manic, over-the-top, and oddly cartoony. The overall tone felt really uneven, the film is very serious at the time, one rock, and over the rest of the season. I was never bored, but I was not focused on or invested in things.It is a shame, because the movie does have some unique ideas here and there. The general premise of undead police were very kind to use a lot of good weapons, and they have some really weird rules and ideas. A strange world, where Indian food is causing the dead renegade pop os gross monsters (if you remember the beginning of Van Helsing, Mr. Hyde ... almost all the monsters look, perhaps hybrid of zombies since I Legend) . Each perceives the two main characters as a hot blonde and old Chinese man. Sounds fun, right? For some reason, all of this is as a redundant effort to build a comedy from weird, it worked so well with the man in black movie, but it all falls asleep & Scaron E flat RIPD.The story overall is very fast and compact. It's a pretty good job of introducing the characters, slapping together, and crafting a dynamic chemistry between them. However, the plot is pretty standard fare, and it never takes the time to really invest a worldwide audience, it means. It shows just enough to make the story work, but it never explains a lot, never following up on what touch briefly and never really makes us care.The film uses many stylish camera movements, fast and slow motion zoom effect that you can see either really cool or really stupid. Editing is okay in general. The acting is a mixed bag: Ryan Reynolds is unique flat and emotionless throughout, with the exception of a few scenes of love, while Jeff Bridges repeatedly steals the show in a role that seems as a parody his role from True Grit. Kevin Bacon is pretty much alone, and I loved watching Mary-Louise Parker. Writing is not so good. This production uses the wrong sets, props and costumes. The look cool special effects, but on the cheap side. The music is hip and fun.In end, I could not help but think of other films and how much better they are than RIPD. Stories related to the parallels between the world of the living and the world of the dead, could not help but think that bleach anime has a better story, and dead like me television show is fun. For the same concept that has a perfect blend of action and comedy, two Hellboy films are really perfect. The comic book-inspired story about Paranormal law enforcement agencies involved, without the public knowing that the three men in black movies succeed at everything he tried to do RIPD, but failed. And although the peak, with dead threatens to rise up and end of the world, I could not help but remember how much better Ghostbusters in this area. RIPD is a short staircase temptation, which reminded me of the GB. All come highly recommended, but RIPD, not much.Given its low box office income, I think it's safe to say that RIPD is composed pieces, buried alongside such marginal images as well as the person who carries Hex and ill luck Priest.3 / 5 (Entertainment: Diameter | Story: Marginal | Movie: Average)